Jail Injury Lawsuit In 2024 | Can I Sue a Jail or Prison for Injury
From overcrowding and unsafe conditions to violence and prisoner abuse, there are various injuries that happen in prison. The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) allows federal prisoners to sue the government for personal injuries by filing a jail injury lawsuit.
All prisoners have an equal right to safe and humane conditions, as well as treatment. To file a lawsuit about events in jail or prison, you first need to complete the internal appeals process. It means you need to know the rules of any appeals process in your facility, including the time limits on filing an appeal after something happens.
For instance, in most prisons or jails, you have to file a written complaint on a form and send a copy to the inspector general, the PREA coordinator for the agency with custody over you.
How to prove prison injury?
To get a hassle-free prison injury claim, you need to prove the following elements:
- The correctional facility breached the duty of care to you in some ways.
- The facility knew that the prisoner could be injured.
- The facility was negligent, which leads to jail injury.
Things to know before filing a jail injury lawsuit
- A jail or prison is required by law to provide medical needs to prisoners. Therefore, when it leads to injury or death, the prison can be found liable and have to pay compensation.
- The prison/jail is liable for all the damages and injuries whenever a guard uses unnecessary or excessive physical force and causes injury.
- Every state has particular statutes that limit the time to take Jail Injury Lawsuit. Therefore, you should file a grievance and contact an attorney immediately for a hassle-free procedure.
- Waiting too long can even bar you from seeking compensation for the injuries you have suffered.
- On average, people who hire a personal injury attorney after jail injury get three times more compensation than those who go alone.
- Personal injury cases can be settled out of court or ruled on at trial. Moreover, a settlement is an agreement between the plaintiff and the jail/prison about how much compensation the prisoner will receive.
- It’s important to establish that your injury was the outcome of another party’s negligence or failure to exercise reasonable care for your safety.
- An insurance adjuster might try to convince you that you don’t need a lawyer as they want you to settle for less. Therefore, it’s better not to sign anything before consulting an attorney.
Some evidence that can support your claim
- Medical records.
- Photographic or video evidence.
- Previous written requests for assistance from other authorities.
- Witness statements.
How can an attorney help you?
- Provides complete information about your rights as a prisoner.
- Guard you against costly mistakes, such as revealing too much information to claim adjusters and filing to document the injury.
- Helps you understand what type of evidence you should collect to make a claim against the prison.
- Represents you in the court as needed throughout the whole procedure.
- Determines the specific state’s reasonable care standards for prisons.
If you want a lawyer who cares about you and the outcome of your Jail Injury Lawsuit, choose Ethen Ostroff Law. He and his professional connections ensure you get every dollar possible for what you went through.